Guitar Amplifiers

Simon Higgs working on one of the first London Pro amps for 65 AmpsSimon Higgs working on one of the first London Pro amps for client 65 Amps


More specifically, guitar amplifiers.

Even more specifically, vacuum tube guitar amplifiers.

Guitar Amplifier PCBs

In 2017, Higgs Communications acquired Guitar Amplifier PCBs. If you don't already know the story, Guitar Amplifier PCBs was created by Terry Stinger to produce the bare printed circuit boards of several popular guitar amplifiers that hobbyists and professionals could construct themselves. Simon worked with Terry testing some of the early prototype PCBs. This included an earlier 5E3 PCB that Terry had created for Wattkins Amp Forums. Sadly, Terry was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2010, and his wife, Roxane, kept the business alive for the next seven years. In 2017, Roxane asked Simon to take over running the business, and Higgs Communications now manufacture and sell these PCBs over on the Guitar Amplifier PCBs web site.


5W Gold and 5W Silver guitar amplifiers

Along the way, we've built several prototype and custom guitar amplifiers under our own brand, Higgs Engineering & Studio Research. Check out the custom guitar amplifiers we made for the Lipe Guitars booth for the 2012 NAMM Show.